Accelerating Healthcare Payor Adoption of Blockchain Technology� New Research Unveils Success

29 views 4:38 am 0 Comments February 16, 2024

New research has been published in Blockchain in Healthcare Today Platform Approaches Journal (BHTY) open access peer reviewed journal. Inadequate understanding of blockchain technology by enterprises, unclear regulations, and biased perceptions has thwarted shared enterprise business process success. Authors of this paper share a real world reference implementation presenting results, and findings at the technical, functional, operational, and change management levels for healthcare administration executives and portfolio managers. Best practices are included in the framework from one deployment setting.

Results demonstrate hyper-efficiencies based on blockchain constructs of provenance, real-time events, and collaborative decision-making involving multiple parties in a staging environment.

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More content from the issue is below to stay abreast of developments in the field. Click a link for 100% open access content. The deadline to submit research, reviews, editorials and letters to the editor is MARCH 1, 2024. The submission portal is here.

Blockchain in Healthcare Today Platform Approaches Journal (BHTY) is the leading international open access journal that amplifies and disseminates platform approaches in healthcare and distributed ledger technology research and innovations. BHTY publishes three (3) issues/year, April, August, and December. The deadline for the next issue is Marc 1, 2024.

Manuscript Submission Portal

