The Crypto Bull Market 2024 Is Here. It’s An Hidden Bull Market

16 views 4:30 am 0 Comments January 5, 2024

Are you ready for the crypto bull market 2024? We are, our premium crypto members are, they will do very well in 2024 and 2025, because they understand the dynamics of the hidden bull market.

In our latest crypto alert Are you Ready for a Choppy January, Characterized by Bi-Furcation and Epic Buy Opportunities, shared yesterday, we wrote:

We are sure that 2024 will be a great year for crypto investors, simply because of the HIDDEN BULL MARKET that will help us position to hit multi-bagger opportunities.

Crypto’s hidden bull market started a year ago

Multi-bagger opportunities are not new, we had them in 2023. What’s more important, we hit them for our members. In our crypto alerts in 2023, we suggested the following entries:

  • Thorchain in September. It went up 600% since then.
  • on January 7th. It went up 700% since then.
  • Fantom throughout August & September. It went up 350% since then.
  • The Graph throughout August & September. It went up 250% since then.
  • The list is much longer, apologies for not listing all our multi-bagger successes of 2023.

Note that it’s too late to enter positions in the aforementioned tokens, arguably with the exception of The Graph. It is much more important to focus on the next big trends in crypto, the 2024 multi-baggers so to speak.

Think about it. If we are able to hit multi-baggers during a period which is widely accepted to be crypto winter, what do you expect we’ll do when crypto spring comes… and crypto summer?

Indeed, members that followed some of our suggestions in 2023 will see the crypto portfolio explode by the time crypto summer will be here.

We don’t forecast crypto summer in 2024, we expect it will happen later, either in 2025 or 2026. Still, our longer term oriented forecasts remain very helpful and relevant:

That said, what will be crucial for success is understanding the dynamics of this new crypto bull market.

Crypto’s hidden bull market of 2024

Here is the bad news: the crypto bull market will be hidden, the majority of investors will only find out once top tokens have gone up way too high, when only the last 10% of profits can be realized. This is what we wrote in our latest crypto alert:

However, the market won’t make it easy. Bi-furcation, which is the the fact that not all tokens move higher (in price) concurrently will make it very tough to spot the trends. The good thing with bi-furcation is that the entire world, at a bare minimum 99.9%, will only find out about the crypto bull market when most tokens trade at least 3x higher which is when it will be way too late to enter.

Here is the good news: subscribers of our premium service are well positioned as we will bring clarity through the clutter and clarity trends throughout what we consider to become a ‘crypto bull market in disguise’. That’s because our crypto analyst team is in business since 7 years, we run the First Crypto Investing Service In The World. This is our commitment to our members:

Our group of premium crypto investing members is privileged, as said in recent updates, because you can position yourself way before the masses find out the details about the hidden bull market.

Bitcoin: leading indicator of crypto’s hidden bull market

While we do expect fireworks in altcoins, some altcoins, not all altcoins, also not concurrently (but only spread over time), we continue to use Bitcoin as the leading indicator. Yesterday, a few hours before the price drop of Bitcoin, we shared this chart with our crypto premium members, highlighting the resistance level of 45.6k level, as it was hit in real time. The rest is history.

Are you well positioned to hit multi-baggers in the HIDDEN CRYPTO BULL MARKET of 2024?

Note: by following our ‘free content’ forecasts, like this long term Solana Showing Trends to $250, you will miss out on the medium term oriented moves and the great entry opportunities. The forecasts in our blog posts will get realized, eventually, long term, during crypto summer, but success in crypto investing is about spotting the trends as they arise. That’s what we offer in our premium crypto service.

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